Thursday, October 23, 2008

Planet in Focus Festival - Free Passes for This Weekend!

The Planet in Focus festival is on this weekend in Toronto! From October 22-26th, 2008, Toronto will host more than 100 environmental film screenings in addition to panel discussions, a special children’s program and industry workshops for budding eco-filmmakers.

Planet in Focus promotes the use of film and video to frame and explore social and ecological focal points, and as a catalyst for awareness, discussion and action.

As David Suzuki says, "Nothing could be more important than the potential educational value of environmental film."

With this ethos on our sleeve, we strive to screen the most creative, insightful, and inspirational programming available. We reach out warmly to both new and traditional audiences, aiming to create a welcoming and energized forum where environmental art, science, industry and activism can come together.

The festival is complemented by year round programming with a hands-on video workshop for youth, the Cross-Canada Tour and other special events. Each day’s program features pre and post-screening discussions, panels, workshops and networking events, designed to further engage with the films’ subjects, and foster dialogue and community amongst audiences, filmmakers and broadcasters.

Want a pair of All-Access Passes?? Just comment on this post. First come, first served. You need to be in the GTA and plan on attending the event. If you're first, you can take two tickets; if the first person only needs one, there's one more up for grabs. Good luck!


Unknown said...

I was planning on checking out some of these films and would love the passes!! (And make good use of them!) I use films like these in my teaching, so sending me indirectly spreads the words to students as well...

zchamu said...

Hey Noella, email me right away at, we'll get the tickets organized ASAP!