Friday, May 9, 2008

Big Green Purse: One in a Million

You remember Big Green Purse, the awesome ecobrainchild of Diane MacEachern. You know there's a great, informative and fun website on how to spend your $$$ more enviro-sustainably, and you also know there's an awesome book that just hit the shelves (and if you're interested in getting a copy of the book, you really really need to come back to ecochick in the next couple of weeks. Really, you do. Just sayin.)

What you may not know is about their One In a Million initiative. Knowing that one of the most effective ways to make a difference is to shift your spending into environmentally friendly products and services, the One In A Million initiative is aiming to get one million shoppers to redirect $1000 of their yearly spending into these services. The site gives you great ideas on where to start shifting that spending (local, organic food? Energy efficient appliances? Fair Trade Coffee?) and, once you sign up, it gives you a helpful balance sheet so that you can track your new green spending.

It's a habit that you may find will stick once you've started it. Go become One In A Million!

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