Thursday, October 9, 2008

Pistachio: Environmentally Conscious and Engaged with Life

From their website:

"Pistachio is about creating, using, and reusing things intelligently, about wasting less, and about putting good things into and onto our bodies.

We embrace the idea that being environmentally caring doesn’t mean denying, abandoning or refusing the things we love, but rather designing, developing and using products in more informed, eco-friendly ways."

Amen. And to that end, Toronto based Pistachio carries beautiful products that you will love to use. Pistachio products all have easy to read labels that tells you exactly how their products are good for the environment. They source products that are in some way ethical, local, mission based businesses, businesses that create handmade products, and show an environmental commitment. So when you purchase stuff from Pistachio - and you will - you know that it has been vetted somehow and passed a test as being at least a bit better for the planet than your average product.

Check out their gorgeous Stationery and Invitations, the Apothecary that carries Jurlique, Juice, Pangea and other awesome ecofriendly personal care products, or their Gift Shop that has wonderful, whimsical gifts such as Organic Wool Throw Blankets or Rubberwood Nesting Bowls.

But where oh where can you find Pistachio products? Alas, not online. But you can find them at plenty of locations in and around Toronto, as well as Chapters and Indigo stores across Canada. Yay!

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