The Kind Diet is a combination of vegan treatise, instruction, and cookbook. The book covers a lot of ground including why a carnivorous/non-vegan diet is not "kind", and a vegan diet is. On one hand, Silverstone doesn't seem to have strayed far from her Clueless background, with phrases like "soooooooo good!" and "organic apples are so cute!" peppering the book. There's an air of, "save the animals because they're just so sweet!" in the book, and while someone less cynical or more enthusiastic than myself may find it energizing, I found the tone slightly grating.
On the other hand, if you can get past the ditziness, the book has an excellent amount of informative content. If you're a carnivore who's interested in changing your diet, either whole or in part, the book gives you good information on how to make that change as well as what to expect as you're making the transition. And the best part: Lots of delicious looking recipes and mythbusters about food that will make switching to a more Kind Diet something to look forward to. She's documented lots of interesting foods including legumes, grains and meat substitutes for you to easily incorporate into your new menu and created meal plans so that the new vegan has some help navigating their meals. Personally, while I'm not planning on going vegan, I do want to cut down on our meat intake and this book is going to be exceptionally valuable to this household in doing that - I'm heading to the grocery store today to pick up the fixins for a Sweet Potato-Lentil Stew, Pumpkin Bread and Black Soybean and Kabocha Squash stew (if I can find a Kabocha squash - like I said, this book is introducing me to lots of interesting new foods!)
The Kind Diet
If it helps (I realize I'm commenting kinda too late for the day's groceries!), generally speaking you can substitute one winter squash for another. So if you can't find kabocha try butternut or acorn or whatever you can find. :)
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE her recipes! I made the sweet potato and lentil stew tonight and it was amazing. This way of eating changed my life and her recipes motivate me everyday!
It's nice that she actually participates with these kinds of campaign. Thanks for the info.
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