I'm very proud to announce that ecochick.ca is now part of the Green Living network. As you can see, this means a few small but awesome changes around here!
The Green Living network is part of Green Enterprises, a one-stop environmental publishing, consulting, content, media and marketing company who carries out services as diverse as custom publishing; magazine and book publishing; corporate consulting and marketing; online communications and marketing; event management, sponsorships, fundraising; and green investing. Their publications include the Green Living website and the quarterly print magazine of the same name; the Home Depot EcoOptions magazine; Healthy Home Magazine, and many others. They also put on the great Green Living Show annually in Toronto. They are committed to bringing a message of environmental living and sustainability to all Canadians, and I am extremely pleased and proud to have joined this amazing green network!
So, what will you see here? Up top, you'll notice a Green Living network bar. From this bar, you can navigate to the Green Living website, other blogs and network contributors in the Green Living network, and subscribe to the free newsletter and digital magazine. You'll also notice new green, Canadian advertisers being displayed on ecochick (hey, somebody's got to pay the bills around here!) I've been holding out on joining an advertising network until I could find one that was Canadian and would ensure that high-quality, eco-friendly advertisers only would appear on my blog - and Green Living fits that bill perfectly.
If you aren't familiar with Green Living, why not take a flip through the virtual pages of the Fall 2008 Green Living Magazine. And if you have any questions or comments about the new Green Living network, please feel free to comment or email me at talk at ecochick dot ca.
Congratulations ecochick - that's a big move!
Woohoo! That's excellent for you. :)
Congratulations ecochick - can't wait to see what the future holds!
Welcome to the network, from another GreenLiving Network blogger. :)
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